I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.

Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)

Monday, 15 January 2007

MySpace does have its usefulness... occasionally

If you know my opinion on friendship sites, you will know that I fully support Multiply for its functionality, and mainly have a MySpace because that's where I have been able to connect with the most friends online. MySpace does hold the highest percentage of the online networking market at the moment, according to some newspaper article James read to me a few months ago.

Thanks to Multiply I am more in touch with some of my overseas friends than ever (only some, because not many use Multiply... yet!).

For example, if it wasn't for Multiply I would not know that one of my Filipino friends who currently lives and works in Malaysia is currently going through a series of job interviews whereby he could be offered a position in New Jersey, USA by the end of the year. I would also have missed out on friends' Christmas and New Years celebrations, all of which I was able to feel a small part in through seeing their photos online.

However, I have a small admission to make - MySpace has its benefits too, mainly due to the larger percentage of the online networking market that it commands. I was finally convinced of this yesterday, when I received a hand-delivered note from my Senior Pastor, who had just returned from a visit to South Africa. The note was from one of my online MySpace friends. I don't just make random online friends ~ the 4 or 5 that I have are specifically members of other Every Nation churches around the world.

Thanks for the note, Chandre! It made a little bit of cyberspace into reality. I'm still hoping we can hook up at World Conference!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi fi.. it was at a bus stop on our street.. i had no idea james had opinions about arranged marriages - we should all chat about it some time..my parents basically had one.

side note, you and james TOTALLY have an advantage in the marriage competition. we're the same age but you've got a few years head start on me. presuming we all die around the same time (big presumption, I know, but for the sake of argument...), you would win.. and trust you to find a way to make even marriage a competition!!!