I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.

Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)

Tuesday, 24 October 2006

Three Simple Things...

The beauty of food, fitness and friendship is that you can mix and match them in any sort of combination to achieve many wonderful things.

For example, today James had his first law exam for this semester. So in the morning I decided to spoil him a little with some feel-good food... pancakes! That, my friends, is food and friendship combined.

Now the combination of food and friendship is quite common ~ we all like to catch up over lunch or dinner, coffee or cake. It's an essential relationship-building skill to be able to combine the two.

But there are more ways to combine food with friendship than just eating or drinking together. How about making a meal together? On Friday, my friend Tatenda and I are going to Meal Magic to trial making a meal at their facility. Something new to try and we'll have some pretty awesome food to show for it! Tonight, James and I are making pies together. I will post updates and photos on both of these.

What about combining friendship with fitness? I've recently started going beyond my treadmill sessions and getting out into the real world for a run around the neighbourhood with James. I used to have a hard time keeping up with James and even though now he still runs a bit slower than he normally does, I'm doing better each time. Better yet, we are getting two for one - quality time together and getting fit!

What creative ways can you think of to combine food, fitness & friendship?

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