How Quickly Time Flies
REALLY? It's been almost 7 months since my last post (and first post in ages)?
I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.
Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)
REALLY? It's been almost 7 months since my last post (and first post in ages)?
Posted by
8:47 pm
The title of this post reminds me of one of the interval training songs I like to use in my indoor cycling classes.
Posted by
11:12 am
I've been searching all over the internet for freestyle classes in Hong Kong. There seem to be plenty over there. What intrigues me is the names they give their classes.
Here in Melbourne, we're simply happy to call our Step Aerobics classes by one of several, fairly straightforward and self-explanatory names - Step (intermediate), Step Basic, and for the more advanced or those who like more full on choreography, Step Moves. Every now and then you might even still see Step Athletic which is like Step Basic, but traditionally guarantees lots of high intensity, high impact-style moves for those really focussed on high-caloric expenditure.
As for the names they use in Hong Kong...
Posted by
12:56 pm
Posted by
8:35 am
Facebook's advertising scheme is clever. Clearly their filters or whatever technology they use have determined I'm some sort of gym freak, hence I came across a website for a cool company that sells funky gym clothes.
Gym Funky -
They're based in QLD. The only downside for me is, well, I like to actually try on clothes to see how they look and fit before buying.
If you get any cool gym clothing from them, let me know!
Posted by
3:19 pm
Exactly one month ago, I ended this post wondering how other instructors taught over 20 classes per week. Well, I think I have my answer... she probably didn't do it for long.
Since that last post, I've averaged out at over 14 classes per week. I can in fact list the number of classes I've taught each week since 4 September until today: 15, 16, 16, 13, 17, 16, 17, 18.
Wow... when you put it in that context it looks like a lot, huh?
So anyway I've discovered a few key secrets to personal health management - in this case, the health factor being NOT overtraining or subjecting one's body to overuse injury. Newer instructors, or those looking to increase your current weekly teaching schedule, take heed. More experienced instructors, if you've anything to add please do so!
**Vary your class types - try to avoid doing more than maybe 4 or 5 of one particular class type. In fact, for certain class types, less than this even - e.g. no more than 3 Bodypump classes per week was highly recommended to my classmates and I by our trainer, who has been an instructor for over 8 years. Wise words from someone who's been there, done that!
**Whilst we're on the topic of class choices, if you can get some classes that require a little less exertion on your part, even better! Good examples include circuit classes and fit ball classes.
**Another veteran instructor I met a few months ago advised me against taking triples on a regular basis (non-instructors, this simply means 3x back-to-back classes). He has stopped teaching due to major issues with his feet. He learnt his lesson the hard way and has kindly tried to pass this on to me.
**If you're feeling sick or rundown, don't keep going, get a cover and give your body a break!
**Plan your breaks in advance, organise your covers early, take some time out every now and again to recuperate. Not just physically but mentally too! It will prevent you from getting into a "rut" and you'll find you'll still be able to give your participants the best of yourself.
**Today, an instructor who has been teaching for 20 years told me something very profound (in relation to Bodypump but it applies across the board too) - your class numbers/sizes are not determined by the amount of weight you lift, it's the energy and quality with which you deliver the class. By all means, set the example and be inspiring, but don't pressure yourself to perform beyond your means. Remember - it's THEIR workout, not yours!
**Practise what you preach to your own participants. I tell my participants all the time - if it's GOOD pain, keep pushing through, but if it's BAD pain then please, please stop! I need to remember this for myself too! (So do you!)
**It is okay to say no to cover requests. Let me repeat: IT IS OKAY TO SAY NO TO COVER REQUESTS! Looking after yourself is not selfish. Your first responsibility is to your permanent classes before any covers you do, so by looking after yourself you are ensuring you can deliver your best to your regulars.
Posted by
7:17 pm
Heya Bodypumpers,
I've been Googling around online at all things Bodypump, in an effort to learn about past releases so I can figure out where to get started learning more chorey to add to my limited repertoire of ONE release (haha) and came across some very funny blog posts, thought I'd share the love around.
For you non-pumpers out there who might be interested in some great reading that is diet and weight loss-related, here's a good one for you:
I've seen this girl's book in the bookstores recently, haven't picked up a copy to read for myself yet but after reading the above post I think I just might have a browse.
Posted by
6:43 pm
"Discover Oprah's top-rated diet that celebrities use to get thin. I'm no celebrity, but it worked for me."
I found this line on an advertisement on Facebook. Celebrities are just people like us. They work hard to get the bodies they have. They don't just sit around and any eating or exercise regime they follow is not more magical than yours.
But there is one other tip you can learn from celebrities. If you want to become a certain way, you need to surround yourself with people who live in that way. They are all (seemingly) slim, trim and gorgeous. They are surrounded by people who are slim, trim and gorgeous... so if one day they walked out amongst their other slim, trim, gorgeous friends with frizzy hair, out-of-date clothing and a few extra kilos, well they would probably stand out a whole lot more than if they did the same thing amongst us.
If you want to eat healthily and exercise regularly, surrounding yourself with people who do the same will help you a lot. That doesn't mean you should just go out and ditch any friends who don't eat healthily, of course not! But if you regularly interact with people who live in the way you want to live, then they will become your benchmark. They will become your "norm" and not only will you find it easier to rise to the occasion to live the same, well, it will just become "normal" for you to live like that.
When I am out in the "normal" world, I sometime feel like a bit of a freak. I mean, I exercise more than 12 times a week (because it's my job not cos I'm a fanatic!) and my standard of what food is and isn't healthy are, well, a fair bit higher than most others. But when I hang out in "fitness instructors" world, it is normal to exercise as much as I do. In "fitness instructors" world my physique is also normal, whereas in "normal" world, to some I am skinny or petite.
Here's an example of how you can step out of the norm without ditching your friends:
Let's pretend you've decided for yourself that you're not going to eat pizza anymore, but there's been a long-standing tradition amongst you and your friends... a weekly movie & pizza. Instead of ditching your long-time friends for gym junkies, why not find a buddy amongst them who has also been thinking about eating healthier, and is willing to not eat pizza together with you? Rather than missing out on the weekly festivities, the two of you can still go to movie night. Instead of pizza, you could split a healthier option meal together - say, roast chicken and a gigantic, colourful garden salad.
Don't make a big fuss of it and certainly don't make an issue of the pizza. Just do what you feel is best for you whilst maintaining the fun and relationships. Everyone wins! And who knows, over time you might find yourself with a few additional converts to healthier eating... although there will always be that one person who likes to add a handful (or two) of chips to their meal, haha!
Posted by
1:30 pm
If you want to lose weight... SERIOUSLY... then your success will largely depend on your diet. Not enough exercise in the world is going to help you if you can't master the principles of calories out vs calories in.
How do I know? Personal experience. I am an aerobics instructor. I teach at least 10 classes per week but currently average at about 13-14. And over the last 3 months I've put on about 3kgs.
Most people's first response is "well, that's because you're putting on muscle!". Trust me, honey... it ain't muscle! Muscle doesn't bulge at the tummy or under the arms or around the tights. Okay well maybe a tiny bit of it is, but if only you knew how difficult it is to gain muscle mass - especially for females - then you would understand.
So why did I put on weight? Same reason a lot of other people do - I thought I could get away with the bad eating. The yummy extras. I figured, hey, what the heck, I've done 16 classes this week, I can have that second piece of cake! Not only can I have it, I deserve it! Never mind that one piece of cake probably requires 1.5, maybe even 2 classes to burn off. I mean, the average gym-goer probably does 3 classes per week, maybe 4 or 5 if they're hardcore. At 16, I've got at least 10 classes worth of eating on them! Probably more than 10 classes, because I also work harder than most of them trying to set the example on that stage!
It is this sort of self-justification that will greatly slow down if not ruin your chances of success.
I didn't put the 3kg on overnight, it was a gradual process. Chances are your weight gain was also a gradual process. You didn't suddenly wake up one morning 3 dress sizes larger than you used to be and feeling overwhelmed, wondering how you're ever going to lose it all without the help of the people at the Fat-zap clinic.
Some tips? Little, baby steps. One decision at a time. One little 'no' here and there. Deciding before you head out to a social function what your limits are and stick to them. Don't treat every meal and every dessert and every opportunity to eat chocolate like it's the last opportunity you'll ever have, because it ISN'T. Allow every good decision, no matter how small or big, to empower you towards making the next good decision.
And if you stuff up, don't beat yourself over the head like I like to do to myself. Pick yourself up and try again.
Posted by
12:13 pm