I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.

Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)

Sunday 19 November 2006


Today a lady from my church who has three young (and gorgeous) daughters, and whom I admire very much, approached me after the morning service.

She shared with me that she, too, has had an interest in working in the fitness industry. However her own internal voices told her that she doesn't have the right personality for it. Since learning that I am moving in this direction from the beginning of next year, she has been inspired to re-visit this dream of hers, do some research, and possibly do a course next year too.

It is such an encouragement to me to know that simply by daring to pursue my dreams, and sharing this pursuit with others, they are being encouraged to do so too!

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