I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.

Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)

Sunday 19 November 2006

Pre-race prep run

I know most of my posts lately have been focused on the 'fitness' F. I guess that's what's on my mind most with the race now less than a week away (this time next week I'll have finished it hours ago).

The run yesterday was not bad. I didn't really know how to pace myself and so of the 8km I ran about 7km of it and walked a bit in the middle to work a stitch out of my side.

Afterwards I did a little naughty - I ate McDonald's for lunch. However, it was in support of McHappy day, so it felt nice to see the follow up ad on TV today and know I played my small part in helping to raise $1.7 million. The scary thing is... that means yesterday Australia bought (and therefore probably ate) 1.7 million Big Macs.

It is nice these days to eat McDonald's and not feel guilty about it afterwards. I would never support eating it regularly (even once a month is too much in my opinion) but the odd occasion here and there is okay.

I also went for a run this evening ~ I am getting better at this! Ran my normal route, but usually I would walk the final 1km home to cool down, today I ran all the way home instead and even picked up the pace.

Little by little... before you know it, I might even be going for a half marathon one day!

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