I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.

Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)

Saturday 11 November 2006

Health & Fitness workshop

Last night at my church's youth group I conducted a health and fitness workshop. I have been excited about doing this workshop ~ it was a small opportunity for me to give some input into these young peoples' lives.

When I was a teenager, "fitness" was very daunting
to me. It was more of a burden than an enjoyment, and "being fit" was something I felt I couldn't achieve... so I didn't try. Because of my own experience growing up, the main message I wanted to get across to the youth last night is the same message I want to get across to everyone: we each have a personal responsibility to maintain our health and fitness. As a Christian, we do so to honour God, and as human beings in general, we do it for the sake of our families and ourselves. But it doesn't have to be boring or difficult or scary ~ it can be fun, and anyone can do it. If you've never started a fitness or exercise program before, you just have to start somewhere, start small, and gradually build up your stamina.

My favourite part of course was the practical stuff. We started with some aerobics, and whilst the boys were initially unimpressed or surprised by this idea, they did us all proud!

Unfortunately a lot of the pictures came out quite blurry because of all the jumping and running around we were doing, but I managed to find a few good pics.

Leg squats:


favourite ~ sit-ups! :

And finally, here they are - the toughest youth in all of Melbourne!

They did such an awesome job, and did me proud!
P.S. More photos are available at my Picasa web album.

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