I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.

Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)

Friday 1 December 2006


Today is my parents' anniversary, so happy anniversary to you both, Baba & Mummy!

Here's a random thought (otherwise known as a Fi-ism):
Earlier this week was my Dad's birthday - 27 November. This morning I was thinking about how he and I have something in common ~ we both celebrate our birthdays close to our wedding anniversaries. My birthday is on 25 August, followed not too long after by my wedding anniversary on 5 September.

Fi-ism #2:
James' birthday is 6 July, the month prior to my birthday month. So our two birthdays and our wedding anniversary take place over consecutive months ~ July, August, September. That means that when we start having kids one day, I would need to birth them either between January-June (excluding April) or October-November, in order to spread our celebratory occasions evenly over the year. I exclude April and December because they have Easter and Christmas. In case you're wondering, for the purposes of this Fi-ism, my definition of "celebratory occasion" is anything involving presents. This is, after all, my primary love language.

Fi-ism #3:
The funny thing is, I have thought Fi-ism #2 many times already, including every time we've celebrated a birthday or wedding anniversary (that's six times in the last two years). It's just that only today I've published it in a public forum for the world to read.

Another friend of mine who also thinks a lot of random things told me yesterday that she used to set aside time each day to just think. For people like her and me, that's probably a great idea. It would probably help someone like me to sort through my mind and prevent me from imploding due to too much random brain activity.

I still remember a specific incident when I was younger ~ I was going somewhere in a car with one of my cousins. I was thinking all these random things and told her one of my thoughts out loud. Her response was, "Fiona, you think too much!"

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