I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.

Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)

Thursday 28 December 2006

On a blog roll

Four lengthy posts in two days. Can you tell I'm on holiday? In the meantime, James has advanced about ten levels in Ultimate Alliance on his new Nintendo Wii.

I've been productive, at least in the sense that I've produced a lot of internet stuff this last few days. Fixed up the layout of my MySpace Music site. Uploaded some new stuff on my Multiply site. Done a lot of catch-up reading on various friends' sites on Multiply. Listened to my new CDs that I got for Christmas.

I think I'm just about all blogged out... well, for two days at least. At times I have to consciously make the decision to stay away from my blog so that people can at least keep up with reading without having to log on daily.

I've taken lots of photos and videos lately so it's time to leave the blog for a bit now and upload some stuff.

I have this ulcer in my mouth that makes any form of eating or drinking highly painful because it's in a really bad spot, under my upper lip. James has one too in a very similar position. Between the ulcers and being caught up in blogging/uploading and Nintendo Wii respectively, we've not really been eating proper meals when we get hungry because a) it's painful to eat, and b) we're too distracted by other things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome to see you again, Fi!

1. Just a tip, apply a bit of vegemite to those ulcers... I've got patients who swear by it. :)

(Just another tip to add to Dave's How-to-get-your-way-through-triage advice).

2. 1 drum kit + 3 acoustic guitars + 1 steel string guitar + 1 electric guitar + 1 amazing voice = Ummm, Dave + Fi :)

Have a fantastic new year's eve celebration!
