I am a Group Fitness Instructor. I teach Freestyle Step Aerobics, BodyPump, Indoor Cycle, Boxing Classes, Circuit Classes, and Aqua Aerobics.

Oh, yeah... and it's not just fat, apparently there's a baby in there too :)

Tuesday 12 December 2006

Heat Wave

This past Sunday, we residents of Melbourne endured our hottest December day since 1953, according to news headlines. The temperature hit a maximum of 42 degrees Celsius at about 3pm. A cool change then swiftly took place not long after, causing the temperature to drop 12 degrees in about 30 minutes.

Anyway, I'm not really here to report on the weather today. After all, James and I missed the experience because we were driving home from a weekend getaway in Daylesford ~ more on this later this week ~ and the cool comfort of my air-conditioned car. Thank God we weren't driving in James' car!

Although we didn't experience this heat first hand, we definitely felt the disastrous after-effects of it. Last night, I discovered, much to my horror, that all the chocolate in our house had melted and re-hardened.

I was mortified.

If you have ever tried eating chocolate that's melted and re-set, you'll know that the chocolate is not nice anymore ~ it loses its lovely creaminess and becomes dry, brittle and sometimes tasteless. It's all to do with the couverture or something like that.

I haven't even taken a peek into one of my many unopened packets of Tim Tams that I keep stored in the cupboard for special occasions.

New house rule: when Springtime arrives and hot weather is imminent, transfer all chocolate from cupboards into refrigerator.

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